Earth Heartbeat Accelerating

Is a rise in the Schumann Resonance attributed to a change in the human consciousness? Recent scientific studies show that the Schumann Resonances are rising. Why is that? In this post, some possibilities are explored as to the “why” question along with how it affects us.

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Are you in tune?

In Tune or Not in Tune

Notes above and below the keyboard can be “heard” and felt in the body whether our ear hears them or not. Is the music we listen to “in tune” with our body and what’s in the earth around us?

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Energy is Frequency

Energy is Frequency

Einstein said “energy is all there is.” Based on a vibrational energy field surrounding us, we are in a constant state of vibration so energy is frequency. Using this knowledge, we explore the importance of understanding the energy field and frequencies within our bodies.

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Musical Entrainment

Music on the brain

What is entrainment and how does it relate to music? The basics of entrainment work when two rhythmical objects eventually sync with one another. The example commonly used is that of the Dutch scientist, Christian Huygens, where he noted that pendulum clock clocks eventually synchronize. As noted by Martin Clayton…

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Musical Frequencies and the Human Body

Resonant Frequency

Musical frequencies resonate in the body while playing a musical instrument, especially wind instruments. Direct contact with the mouthpiece on either the teeth or lips makes it possible for wind players to “feel” the resonant frequencies within the body cavity. Evelyn Glennie, a deaf percussionist, demonstrates that it’s possible for deaf people to enjoy playing an instrument, too. Because musical frequencies vibrate within us, does this have an affect on the human body?

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