Holistic Wellness Weekend
August 17 - 20, 2023
Purchase Recordings - $175
Video Recorded Conference Set
Purchase the videos of the entire conference soon before they're replaced with audio only recordings. The videos are viewable but not downloadable. All those who purchase the video recordings will be given access to the audio recordings once they're available. Audio recordings WILL BE downloadable through Gumroad.
Upon purchase, you'll be given a Google Drive link where you can download all the PDF's of the conference. This includes clickable links to the private video recordings on the Healing Frequencies Music YouTube channel. Links to the videos are ONLY available from the documents in the Google Drive files for the event.
What you get...
Purchase the videos of the entire conference for only $175!
Purchase videos and conference materials now!
Reprogramming for high efficiency from the inside out...
The goal, areas of your being, and the modalities.
What Are the Sessions?
Thursday, 8/17
- SESSION 1A: Meditative Sound Journey
- SESSION 1B: Joanne Dusatko – Singing Bowl Massage for Deep Relaxation
- SESSION 2: Del Hungerford – Your Physical Symptoms Might Have an Emotional Blockage
- SESSION 3: Diane Holladay - Reading Your Energy Environments for Better Health
- SESSION 4: Dr. Eve Bean - Stimulate Your Body to Heal Itself – RIFE/PEMF
Friday, 8/18
- SESSION 5: Diane Holladay – Getting Your Energy River Flowing
- SESSION 6: Sue Beckman – Reflective Quietness: Focused Relaxation and Wellbeing
- SESSION 7: Mystic Frequency Collaborative – Meditative Sound Journey
- SESSION 8: Dr. Eve Bean – How to Use Herbs as Nutrition
- SESSION 9: Diane Holladay – Tuning Your Biofield
Saturday, 8/19
- SESSION 10: Del Hungerford – Strengthening the Power of Your Energy Centers
- SESSION 11: Meditative Sound Journey with the Mystic Frequency Collaborative
- SESSION 12: Diane Holladay - Managing Your Bio-Individuality, Part 1
- SESSION 13: Joanne Dusatko – Crystals for a Vital Life
Sunday, 8/20
- SESSION 14: Del Hungerford – Driving Results Through Pairing Intention with Music
- SESSION 15: Drum Circle with the Mystic Frequency Collaborative
- SESSION 16: Diane Holladay– Managing Your Bio-Individuality, Part 2 with Diane Holladay
- SESSION 17: Sue Sanoski – Blue Zones and Panel Q&A
Individual Session Details

Individual sessions can be purchased at any time at the event prices ONLY for those who purchase the conference. Please contact each practitioner on their personal website (listed below their introduction on this page).
- Event Special for attendees! Personal instrumental song (by Del Hungerford) for $65 or a Frequency Immersion Sound bath for $99. This special price ends August 20. (Only available online and are created after September 8)
- Sound baths and personal songs are created (recorded in MP3 format) before or after the event and are emailed to you.
- Click these links: sound baths or personal songs to read more about them.
- If ordering a sound bath, please fill out the form on the website where you choose your bowls and answer the questions.
- DO NOT pay from the website unless you want to pay full price. Use the contact form below to request the special event pricing QR code. Upon payment, you'll receive your personal song or sound bath in the middle of September.
- Breathing and meditative exercises for $20 per person. There are four people per session (with Sue Beckman) and are scheduled between August 17 - 21. (Available online and during the event. Sessions are held at the Rotary Building)
- Energy Harmonizing with Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Vibrational Sound Therapy sessions are $80 for 50 minutes. Sessions are held at the Healing Frequencies Music Retreat Center. Address provided at the event.
- Sign up for session times upon arrival on August 17.
- NOTE: Diane and Joanne each have only 12 sessions available between August 17 - 21.
- SOME of these sessions may be available online after August 25.
- Custom Combo Essence: $50 with Seneca Schurbon of Freedom Flowers are scheduled online only. Please use her website (below) to order your custom combo!
- RIFE/PEMF with Dr. Eve Bean between August 17 - 21. Choose from one of these three sessions: Circulation, Energy/Vitality or a General Healing Panel. All Rife or PEMF treatments are $50. Reflexology/foot zoning sessions are also available for $50 each. Sessions are held at the Healing Frequencies Music Retreat Center. Address provided at the event.
- SOME of these sessions may be available online after August 25.
About the Presenters and Practitioners
Click on link next to name to be redirected to each practitioner's website!
Sue majored in theatre in college and uses many theatrical relaxation and meditative techniques to assist people in learning to live in a state of rest, peace, and relaxation. She is a mentor and teacher and enjoys helping others find their destiny. Click on her website (below) to sign up for mentoring.
Sue Beckman - Journey off the Tracks
Joanne is a VST Certified Practitioner through the Vibrational Sound Therapy Association. She completed her certificate program of Sound Healing and Therapy through the Globe Institute. She is a musician and member/producer for the Mystic Frequency Collaborative. Learn more about Joanne from her website (below).
Joanne Dusatko - Sound Healing Remedies
Diane is certified in Jin Shin Jyutsu, VST, and Biological Terrain. She also does Biofield Energy Balancing. Her main focus is on the energetic systems within the body. She is a musician and member/producer for the Mystic Frequency Collaborative. Learn more about Diane from her website (below).
Diane Holladay - Soothing Frequencies
Del is a retired professional classical musician and professor with a doctoral degree in music. She utilizes her musical knowledge in teaching about "all things frequency" and creating healing music. She's a musician and member/producer for the Mystic Frequency Collaborative. Learn more about Del from her website (below).
Del Hungerford - Healing Frequencies Music
Seneca is the founder of Freedom Flowers, a flower essence company that’s branching out into other frequency-based essences. She works with Del and Dr. Eve on research and experimentation to produce new and cutting edge healing technologies. Learn more about Seneca from her website (below).
Seneca schurbon - Freedom Flowers
Dr. Eve has a degree in Holistic Nutrition and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. She teaches herb classes, does nutritional consults, Rife/PEMF, reflexology, supplements, herbs and Rife bioessences. Learn more about Eve from her website (below).
dr. eve bean - Storm's End Nutrition
Seneca Schurbon
I’ve been making flower remedies since I was a little girl. As I learn new plants, I’m constantly amazed at how specific they can get to perfectly address human conditions. I have hundreds of flower frequencies, some are sure to be right for you.
Dr. Eve Bean
I had many health issues as a child which led me into natural medicine for my own healing journey. Since then I've continued to learn and educate others through classes and healing modalities. I love serving my community and seeing lives change.
From the Event organizers...

I ventured into the deep waters of healing music while walking through my own healing journey. As I fostered an intimate relationship with the Divine Creator, I dealt with life's hard knocks and found spiritual, emotional, and physical healing in the process. A new mindset is what brought me through a time in my life where I lived with extreme fatigue followed by losing my home through the process of eminent domain.
Del Hungerford
Event Organizer

I worked as a theater director, producer, actor, and singer for over 40 years. How does this help for this wholeness event? Meditation has become a way of life for my physical and spiritual wellbeing. Taking what I have learned over the years in relaxation, vocalization, and quietness plays a huge part of my life. Showing others that they, too, may also find this peace within themselves is a joy to me.
Sue Beckman
Assistant Organizer
Purchase recordings and printed materials!
Upon purchase, you'll be given a Google Drive link where you can download all the PDF's of the conference. This includes clickable links to the video recordings on the Healing Frequencies Music YouTube channel. Links to the videos are ONLY available from the documents in the Google Drive files for the event in the folder "Recordings."