Hello! I’m Del and I’d like to thank you for visiting Healing Frequencies Music.
What led to my recording projects? For years, I’ve been fascinated with how music can be used for healing purposes. I always wondered what it was about music that affected people’s emotions. For example, when people are sad, they listen to a certain type of music but probably not the same music they’d listen to when in a good mood. So, when it came to doing a little digging into the healing properties of music, I found materials written by scientists, music enthusiasts, performers, and educators, among other resources. Some of that information is accurate (historically, technically, and musically) but there’s a bunch that’s not.
As a music major, I was required to take a LOT of music theory and history classes. Although I grumbled as a college student, I realized (many years later) that staying up all night writing theory assignments and then attending 8:00 AM ear training class was good for something! My music theory background is extremely necessary as I’ve looked into what writers discuss concerning frequencies that are supposed to be healing for the body, soul, and spirit. Because of my classical training, there are musical pieces to the frequency puzzle I grasp that musicians and music enthusiasts with no formal training can understand. Reading sheet music, the ability to hear and understand musical intervals, and a good grasp of musical harmonics are all necessary. All this means is that I bring a different perspective to what’s being said in Internet land about musical frequencies of healing.
My Healing Journey...
This journey began with myself as I began to put the pieces of my life back together after leaving an abusive marriage. I created music for my own wholeness journey by sitting at my keyboard and allowing music to flow through me. Then, I focused on seeing my entire being healed as I engaged with the music. I had to see myself healed even though it took several years. My entire thought life changed as the focus was put on positive rather than negative outcomes. It required that I got rid of the “what if?” thinking about life. The focus became “let’s do this!” Fast forward several years and I’m now healthier than I’ve been in over 25 years – spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Fear simply had to go out the door and never come back! If we want to be whole, we must first change our mindsets. That takes time!
We are living today what we spoke yesterday (or last year, last month, etc.) Our thoughts and words frame our existence. I demonstrate how that works throughout this entire website. If we want to walk in divine health, it starts by examining what’s coming out of our mouth. Once I did that and began changing my intent and words, my physical health improved. How did I become so sick during the abusive marriage? First off, my mistake was coming into agreement with the lies coming from my husband. That whole mindset had to change so I could step into wholeness.
Healing Frequencies Music came out of a desire to be whole myself and then bring what I'm learning to others. Because I’m both an academic and a creative, I intermix the two on this website. The blog provides lots of geeky music and frequency research that has come out of my own journey into wholeness. There’s healing music, books, courses, sound baths, personal songs, coaching, and mentoring available for those who want to learn from me.
My musical journey...
I have three degrees in music: The University of Idaho (B.M), Yale University (M.M), and The University of Washington (D.M.A.)
Samples of my professional days as a clarinetist...
This first piece is Sonatine for Clarinet and Piano written by a female composer of the early classical era. Her name is Caroline Schleicher-Kramer. The pianist is Mac Merchant. We play the final movement of this sonatine.
This next selection was written by Johannes Brahms. It's the first movement of his f minor Sonata for clarinet and piano. Mac Merchant is the pianist.
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