Your Song of the Month Subscription
$15 per month

All Song of the Month subscribers receive a new song during the first week of every month. These special songs are often based on the properties of the Hebraic cycle and include the following:
- An instrumental song (usually around 10 minutes in length)
- A voice-over activation to the instrumental song.
- A PDF instructional sheet on methods of "activating" the song for that month.
- A special page on the website with all your links!
- Interesting videos ONLY for subscribers where I answer all your questions, providing further details in the videos.
- LIVE monthly Zoom call for Q&A/discussion on the last Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM Pacific Time!
Other special features for subscribers!
When I create music for Song of the Month, I often consider various monthly and yearly cycles. As mentioned above, the Hebraic cycle is more about walking through life's trials and coming out ahead. For most of us, we can resonate with that thought process. By garnering strategy from a community that's been around a long time, we can learn from both their victories and mistakes. We choose not to erase history but to learn from it.
On the other hand, we bring in "the new" of what's for this current age. Music is one way to assist in the walking out our life journey. This is the reason for Song of the Month. It's my way of providing a platform for subscribers to make smoother transitions through life.
With your $15.00 per month subscription, you receive the following:
How does the subscription work?
You'll be added to a special email list. During the first week of every month, you'll be sent links to download that month's song and voice-over activation (MP3 format in a Google Drive folder). In that same email, you'll receive...
- You'll be sent a link to the subscription page each month so you can find all the resources and download links available to you.
- The Zoom number for the monthly calls is on the webpage and is sent out to all subscribers a few days before the call as a reminder.
Are you ready to sign up for Song of the Month? You can choose to cancel the subscription at any time.
Sign Up!
You'll be redirected to the Shop page to subscribe at $15 per month.