It’s All About Frequency – Part 2

color and music spectrumIn Part 2 of this series, I explore how ancient civilizations used sound, how resonant frequency is in color, music and general sounds, and how colors/sound can be found in a variety of healing modalities. It’s entirely possible that by knowing how to use resonant frequencies, much of the “dis-ease” in our bodies could be reversed.

Did the ancients know how to use resonant frequency to move things?

  • Sound travels beyond the speed of light. It can boil water and it can levitate.
  • The ancients understood sound and frequency as a source of energy. (Stonehenge, Pyramids, etc.)
  • Ed Leedskalnin (Builder of Coral Castle in Florida) may have discovered and then used tools of ancient civilizations to single handedly build this castle.
  • Stone cone-shaped tools don’t make sense to us today but appear to have been used by the ancients for moving large stones.
  • Many now suspect that levitation is all about knowing how to use frequency as energy.
  • It’s possible the ancients knew about certain frequencies that had specific uses.

Color, Sound, and Music

Frequency works together like a symphony of harmonic resonances, from both ends of the frequency spectrum, using color, sound, and music. When used for the purposes of bringing our bodies back into wholeness and “in tune” with what’s our intended frequency and DNA, I believe we can heal from many ailments that gravely affect us today.

Colors and Musical Frequencies


Color: art, chromotherapy, flags, colors in your home, etc.

Sound: the spoken word (includes counseling), noise, motion, general frequencies, thoughts, etc.

Music: (organized sound) singing, pitched musical instruments, and rhythm instruments.

Together, color/sound/music create a “bench of three” that gives us governmental authority over our health and welfare. The number three in symbolic language often represents a form of government. (More on that in part 3 of this series.) To bring us back into wholeness, we must consider frequency as a whole and not as single pieces. All frequency creates a “symphony of sound” that includes the entire sound spectrum.

I propose…

  1. Music paired with two other healing modalities (inner healing sessions, flower essences, nutrition plan, etc.) gives your body a better chance of healing from trauma.
  2. What we say, think, and do are important in the healing process. Words do matter! This is why so many organizations have what they call “positive affirmations.” There really is something to it.

Color (Chromotherapy) in Healing…

  • Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used colored minerals, stones, garments, crystals, salves, and painted sanctuaries (in various colors) for treatments. Color was considered a basic part of the healing process.
  • Avicenna (980 AD) made clear the importance of color in both diagnosis and treatment.
  • Edwin Babbit (1942) developed a theory of healing with color, established the relationship between minerals and colors, and developed “elixirs” by irradiating water with sunlight filtered through colored lenses. His book is titled “Principles of Light and Color” and is available on Amazon.
  • Charles Klotsche (1993) associates colors with Chakras (along with Ghadiadi in 1927). Klotsche’s book “Color Medicine” can be found on Amazon.

Color Spectrum

Chakras, Colors, and Music

Whatever your belief is concerning the chakras, there appears to be a variety of differences in what colors they are, what pitches they represent, and what their purpose truly is. I’m not going into any of that here. I will say that the new age community generally calls them chakras but others simply call them energy points or energy centers. It’s a scientific fact that energy flows through the human body. What it’s called, how it’s utilized, or what your beliefs are, doesn’t change that fact. As stated in my blog post on INTENT, what a person is putting into anything (via intention) is also very important.

My purpose is to show that according to the color spectrum, where nanometers are turned into Hertz (lowered 40 octaves), certain notes should match the appropriate color within the color spectrum chart. Take a look at the currently accepted Chakras (below) where I provide the most commonly used colors for those Chakras along with the matching musical frequency. Many Chakra charts put red as “C,” but the math indicates green should be “C.” This may or may not change how the Chakras are utilized. Either way, it truly is all about frequency.

Chakras according to Klostche:

  1. Root – Red  
  2. Sacral – Orange
  3. Heart – Green
  4. Throat – Blue
  5. Brow – Indigo
  6. Crown – Violet
  7. Perfect color blend – White

Chakras as they’re considered today with most commonly referred to colors:

  1. Root – Red (G)
  2. Sacral – Orange (A)
  3. Solar Plexis – Yellow/Green (B)
  4. Heart – Green (C)
  5. Throat – Turquoise Blue (D)
  6. Brow – Indigo (E)
  7. Crown – Violet (F)


Frequency can be seen in general sounds, colors, and in music. Sound has amazing properties in that it can move buildings off foundations, be used in sonic warfare, and to move objects. Even in ancient civilizations, they understood how color could also be used in the healing process. As I propose above, when pairing three varying yet similar modalities of healing together, it’s possible to bring what’s referred to as a “bench of three” or “tri-fecta.” I’ll introduce what a bench of three is all about in the final piece in this series.

Do you have any additional studies you’d like to point out? Please post in your comments below. 


© 2016 Del Hungerford



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