Open Gates: Emotional Roots and Physical Symptoms

“Open Gates” is my 7th album that’s based on an F-sharp major chord. After doing some research into the cool stuff about the A=432 concert pitch, I found that math and music are related in strange ways. In my blog post about numbers and sacred geometry, I show how the F-sharp major chord is found in geometry. You’ll have to read the post for the details.

As I was making this album, I felt that it was meant to move the listener into a place of discovery that would involve being willing to open new gates and go through them. Beyond those gates are many things that are worthy to behold when the spirit is awakened to see the wonders Creator has for each of us.

“Open Gates” has nearly 80 minutes of music. The three songs are titled “Spirit Awakens,” followed by “Worthy to Behold,” and finally, “Open Gates.” The full album is listed first (below) followed by each individual song. It is purchasable as a CD or downloads (full album and individual songs) and in the EMDR format.

I’m working with Seneca Schurbon of Freedom Flowers and Alice Briggs of Emotional and Spiritual Healing to create a package of materials that can aid with the healing processes of physical issues in your body! You’ll see part of that list below along with a two-minute sample of each track. The “Physical Symptoms and Emotional Roots” booklet is being put together by myself, Alice, and Seneca and should be ready for sale soon! The full chart has about 100 physical symptoms with corresponding emotional roots. We then suggest a flower essence, song (or full album), and a type of healing session so that you have something to work with.

Open Gates – ALBUM

  • Physical: chronic disease, chronic fatigue, chronic illnesses
  • Emotional: distrusts process of life, need to change for the better, despair, feeling totally alone, hopelessness, no will to live, low self-esteem

Spirit Awakens – SONG

  • Physical: brain, ears, memory, ADD, dyslexia, leg problems
  • Emotional: nervousness, high anxiety, unable to control life, feelings of not being heard, struggles with turmoil at home, anger at what you’ve hearing, fear of moving ahead, fear of change, difficulty being resolute about issues, inability to understand, avoid a situation you don’t like or are fearful of

Worthy to Behold – SONG

  • Physical: trauma, injury, accidents, shock, hips, hives, knee problems, skin disease, eczema
  • Emotional: stress, worry, tense, wishy-washy, fear of making decision, lack of physical and emotional self-support, not wanting to accept physical experiences, fears finally surfacing, feeling mistreated, anger at another’s inflexible behavior, ego gets in the way, not wanting to bend usually to authority, unable to be flexible, feelings of irritation, feeling unsettled, lack of security, inner conflict surfacing, frustration at not being able to accomplish something, fear, anxiety

Open Gates – SONG

  • Physical: adrenals, eyes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, firoid tumors and cysts, pituitary gland, spine
  • Emotional: ego getting carried away in pride, feeling inferior, inflammatory thoughts, unresolved feelings of rage, victim mentality, feeling defeated, anxiety, unresolved jealousy and fears, feeling that struggling is part of success, tired of coping, feel inferior and insecure, suppressed anger, hopelessness, unresolved hurts, injured ego, inability to see ego in things, feelings of being constant recipient of bad luck/misfortune, hypochondriac


If you’re interested in the full chart, sign up for the newsletter and you’ll get it as one of the freebies within the first month!



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