Into His Presence: Emotional Roots and Physical Symptoms

The album, “Into His Presence” came about after I’d done a particular gathering at my house with friends. I always sensed a deep joy in listening to the song “Joyous Hope” from the album “Open Heaven.” At that point, I wanted to do a full album based on the F Major chord because to me, it represents joy. As you will notice from the emotional roots below, many of them when switched over to a place of thankfulness and joy, can help bring your body to a place where it’s in peace. As I listen to this album, I feel like that I can move forward and leave the old and no-longer-needed stuff behind.

As feedback comes in about the music, I’m working with Seneca Schurbon of Freedom Flowers and Alice Briggs of Emotional and Spiritual Healing to create a package of materials that can aid with the healing processes of physical issues in your body! The “Physical Symptoms and Emotional Roots” booklet is being put together by myself, Alice, and Seneca and should be ready for sale soon! The full chart has about 100 physical symptoms with corresponding emotional roots. We then suggest a flower essence, song (or full album), and a type of healing session so that you have something to work with.

“Into His Presence” has nearly 80 minutes of instrumental music on the CD and close to 90 minutes on the downloads: “Running to Him” is the first track, followed by “The Wedding,” and then finally “Into His Presence.” You may recognize “Into His Presence” as the background music for the opening video on the main page of this website.  The full album is listed first (below) followed by each individual song. It is purchasable as a CD or downloads (full album and individual songs) and in the EMDR format.

Into His Presence – ALBUM

  • Physical: pelvis, respiratory, suicidal, fatigue
  • Emotional: needing to feel grounded, needing love, fear of living life to fullest, unable to resolve life’s problems, everyone would be better off without me

Running to Him – SONG

  • Physical: Lupus, allergies, endometriosis, hemorrhoids,
  • Emotional: want to move forward, suppressed weeping, feeling stifled, unresolved sadness, frustration, insecurity, lack of self-love, wanting to blame problems on others, inability to let go of past, emotional block where mate is concerned, fear and tension, feeling pressured or anxious, ongoing feelings of being burdened, self rejection

The Wedding – SONG

  • Physical: arthritis, carpel tunnel, insomnia, Lou Gehrig’s
  • Emotional: depression, mental fatigue, sleep issues, need to feel loved and appreciated, over sensitive, feeling dominated by parent, suppressed sorrow, chronic anxiety, fear, reliving childhood fears, feeling life isn’t fair, overwork along with emotional stress, sever self-criticism, controlling personality, deep seeded guilt, not forgiving self, holding record of wrongs, low self esteem

Into His Presence – SONG

  • Physical: Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, phlebitis, thymus, yeast infections
  • Emotional: denying self joy, wanting full control, fears not being able to control, despair, desolation, no will to live, low self esteem, “I’m not supposed to be happy,” no way out, feeling trapped, life isn’t fair, feeling picked on and persecuted and unprotected, deep and unresolved resentments, lack of self love, unable to accept self, not recognizing own needs


If you’re interested in the full chart, sign up for the newsletter and you’ll receive it within the first month as one of the freebies!



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