Practice Takes Patience and Perseverance

If you want to understand the "art of practicing," talk to a classical musician! I tell my students that I've spent more years in a practice room than they've been alive. Why is that? Well, in order to be a good classical musician, you pretty much have to be married to a practice room. In college, my friends would kidnap my clarinet on Friday evenings so I'd play pinochle with them. I had a goal and in order to meet that goal, I needed to put in the time to make my dream come to pass. My friends helped me take breaks, which was actually good for me!

What's the point in all of this? Well, if you want to be a good classical musician, you have to spend a LOT of time doing the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... you get the point. 

Here's the thing... it doesn't matter what you want. If you don't put some effort into it, you're not going to have forward motion. When we sit in a place of fear, pity, a victim mentality, depression, or one of their "cuddle buddies," our forward motion is stunted. This is not a "works" thing where we're required to do something for a result. That being said, the more effort we put into something, the more we'll see results. This is how we work through things in life. When we can live above our circumstances, we stand the chance of having the ability to live beyond the "yuckiness" going on around us.

This all being said, I've created a lot of music lately for the purpose of practicing. Most of that music is on my YouTube channel. With what's going on in the world right now, it's helpful to have something as an anchor to bring us into a peaceful place. In the complimentary video that I put up on YouTube that goes with this blog post (see below), I talk about how we can use music, art, or whatever creative piece we have as a tool for bringing us into a better state of being. 

How does this work with practicing? Glad you asked! Let's take the Breakthrough song as an example. As I play the music, with my intent, I see myself releasing breakthrough to wherever it's needed in the world. I don't determine what that's supposed to look like. When I put my own will and personal agenda into the mix, that can cause problems. So, I generally release frequencies with the intent of them lining up with love, justice, balance, peace, joy, etc. In this case, the key for me is to "ride" on the frequencies of breakthrough on a consistent basis so it can actually occur. Just like practicing a musical instrument, I need to be consistent! In the video below, I compare it to a wave constantly washing up on shore to chip away at a rock so all that's left are grains of sand. The more I practice releasing breakthrough, the stronger the breakthrough frequency becomes, which then facilitates breakthrough. 

There are world circumstances going on at the time of this post in February of 2022. I'll not say which instances I'm talking about but will simply state that I know breakthrough is needed. As I created the song, I focused on allowing our Divine Creator's love to fuel it so that what's right, just, full of truth, and from a place of peace is what brings the breakthrough. How that plays out isn't the focus. I have to trust that stronger frequencies of love, peace, hope, and joy override fear, hate, anger, unforgiveness, etc. Sometimes things get messier before they get better but eventually, perfect love does cast out all fear. Things that are unlawful, corrupt, and selfish eventually come out in the open AS we release stronger frequencies that override the nasties. However, that can't happen unless we practice releasing the frequencies through patience and perseverance over and over and over from a place of consistency. I like to grab a visual of me being in a practice room where I'm playing the same scale over and over and over, trying to make it smoother and easier to play each time.  

Let's take this a step further in the practice process. I also state on the video that I create music to help you practice what's needed in your life. I have three options for people to practice their wholeness journey. They are:

  1. Song of the Month subscription. I create a song with an activation each month. The activation is to assist you with a practice focus for the month. The goal? To bring your entire being into a greater sense of wholeness. 
  2. Personal Song. I create a personal song based on what you request. Or, I'm simply "led by my spirit" if that's what you prefer. I then send you the song with my thoughts about it as a tool for you to practice speaking and releasing certain things in your own life on a consistent basis. 
  3. Frequency Immersion Sound Bath. I use crystal bowls and percussion instruments to create a 20-minute sound bath that I record and send to you with affirmations to release into yourself as you listen. The goal is for you to be consistent and use the music as a healing tool for your being - spirit, soul, and body. 

The nutshell point of this blog post is to present the idea of practicing your wholeness protocol. Most of us don't think of practicing a healing journey. However, that's exactly what we should be doing! That often requires adjusting mindsets, changing paradigms, and learning to live from a position of seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty. I believe that once we get to a place where our first reaction is love rather than fear, the world will be in a better place. Let it begin with me and you!

With that, enjoy the accompanying video that inspired this blog post...

Click to play