The 528 “Love” Frequency

What about the 528 “Love” Frequency? Is it really a musical frequency?

I’m one to believe that because enough people truly believe that the 528 Hz is the “love” frequency, there must be something to it. So, what is the 528 love frequency? My goal is to find out what that “something” is. This frequency can be attained by retuning instruments to A=444.

I’ve already established that the “ancient solfeggio” frequencies have nothing to do with the Hymn to Saint John the Baptist or Guido of Arezzo. So, the foundational principles may be a little off but as that old saying goes, “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” In order to use these frequencies, it requires retuning your instrument for each of the six frequencies. (See the Pythagoras article).

Joseph Puleo is said to be the man who originally heard directly from God to go look up certain passages in the Bible. In doing so, he came up with some numbers that kept recurring and believed them to be frequencies. I’m not sure how all of this eventually got connected with Guido of Arezzo (the inventor of modern musical notation and the solfeggio symbols) or the Hymn to Saint John the Baptist, but what I’m going to propose in this article is that if the “ancient solfeggio frequency” numbers do represent frequencies, we need to delve more into the “hows” and “whys.”

There’s a lot of scientific research out now showing that even solid objects have a resonate frequency. My fondest memories of this were during band rehearsals in college. When the drummers forgot to shut off the snares on certain pieces of music, the snares appeared to randomly start rattling throughout the rehearsal, much to the dismay of the conductor. In reality, we hit a note that was resonating at the same frequency as the snares. There were many other times in rehearsals where other items in the room would buzz when we played certain notes. Royal Raymond Rife was even working on a machine (mid 1900’s) where he used frequencies to kill cancer. And, it worked. Just for fun, go Google his name. You’ll find some interesting stuff. This just shows us how important frequencies really are.

Back to the ancient solfeggio frequencies…


Let’s explore the possibility that the ancient solfeggio frequencies are NOT musical frequencies. Jamie Buturff gives some really good arguments concerning them being family number groups that are “electrical” in nature (positive, negative, and magnetic emanations). This would make total sense. If you have time, consider watching his videos on YouTube and listen to what he has to say. Enter his name in the search section and you’ll find the videos.

In the event that the numbers 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852 are electrical in nature, they would still be frequencies but not necessarily represent musical pitches. It’s possible that they represent pathways instead. Jamie Buturff does a great job of explaining that. If you like math, Jamie’s videos are for you!

Either way, a lot of people say that the ancient solfeggio frequencies really help them. So, to figure out what’s behind this, we need to do more research. This is where my readers come in. I’m coming at this from the point of a knowledgeable musician, not a mathematician. It’s going to take several people with knowledge in a variety of areas to come up with some decent answers.

One theory that I’m thinking about has to do with the Hebrew language. Since this all seemed to start from the Bible, let’s go back there. Each Hebrew letter is also represented by a number. Could these numbers actually be words in the Hebrew language? For example, when adding up the sum of each Hebrew letter in a word, that word is represented by a number. I’m researching this out now but am still in the beginning stages. Does anyone have insight into this? I would love to hear from you especially if you’re an expert in the Hebrew language.

The bottom line that I DO know… whatever pitches that are being used, need to be pure and in tune. Our modern equal tempered scale doesn’t allow for that. Well, on the other hand, there’s no tuning system that’s completely perfect. Pythagorean tuning is the closest but it doesn’t allow for playing in very many keys. To do that, you’d need to re-tune instruments to play in the keys with lots of sharps/flats. There always has to be adjustments made. That can only be done on non-keyboard instruments. Or, if you’re using MIDI for keyboards, some adjustments can be made.

If you have any insight, please share in your comments below. My first question is… what do YOU think the numbers 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, and 852 mean?

I’m very much looking forward to your comments.




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