Into His Presence Music Video

Into His Presence

“Into His Presence” music video shows the process of creating spontaneous prophetic music from keyboard to percussion parts. Enjoy listening and watching as the love of Creator flows in and through this music to you.

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Are you in tune?

In Tune or Not in Tune

Notes above and below the keyboard can be “heard” and felt in the body whether our ear hears them or not. Is the music we listen to “in tune” with our body and what’s in the earth around us?

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Numerical Coincidences

Speed of Light

I’ve been watching some NOVA and other scientific videos on quantum mechanics and physics. This has then led reading articles, blog posts, and comments about how there are so many coincidences in the world with certain numbers. But, for some, if there’s not an exact match, scientists chalk certain things up…

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Musical Entrainment

Music on the brain

What is entrainment and how does it relate to music? The basics of entrainment work when two rhythmical objects eventually sync with one another. The example commonly used is that of the Dutch scientist, Christian Huygens, where he noted that pendulum clock clocks eventually synchronize. As noted by Martin Clayton…

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Goebbels and Horowitz

tuning forks

Joseph Goebbels is said to have been behind the choice of our current concert pitch being set to A=440. Leonard Horowitz is a promoter of this conspiracy theory. A little lesson in music history may assist the reader in deciding for themselves whether this is a probable theory or not. Does this relate to the ancient solfeggio frequencies? A lesson in both music history and music theory should help the reader make that determination.

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Musical Frequencies and the Human Body

Resonant Frequency

Musical frequencies resonate in the body while playing a musical instrument, especially wind instruments. Direct contact with the mouthpiece on either the teeth or lips makes it possible for wind players to “feel” the resonant frequencies within the body cavity. Evelyn Glennie, a deaf percussionist, demonstrates that it’s possible for deaf people to enjoy playing an instrument, too. Because musical frequencies vibrate within us, does this have an affect on the human body?

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Music Therapy

Healing Frequencies Music

What is music therapy? Simply put, music therapy is the use of music for “non-musical” treatment. Examples include playing music and setting up playlists for memory patients, music before or after surgery that a patient enjoys, and even for those with autism spectrum disorders. Several medical organizations are beginning to…

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