Is Cancel Culture Verbal Abuse?

In this post, we explore how cancel culture is verbal abuse. Because this website explores all things frequency related, it’s important to understand that WORDS create a frequency. Words are a creative force that have consequences – both good and bad. My dad used to say, “make sure your brain…

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Is Freedom of Speech Really Free?

As Americans, free speech isn’t something we think about a lot because we take it for granted that we can say what we want when we want. Why talk about it here? Glad you asked! Free speech gives off the impression that people have the liberty to speak what’s on…

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Practice Takes Patience and Perseverance

If you want to understand the “art of practicing,” talk to a classical musician! I tell my students that I’ve spent more years in a practice room than they’ve been alive. Why is that? Well, in order to be a good classical musician, you pretty much have to be married…

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Top Ten List

The Top Ten List of Questions From Customers… As people receive the information that comes in the “frequency mini-course” via the Healing Frequencies Music newsletter, they respond with additional questions. I’ve taken the top ten questions and put them together in one blog post for easy perusal. I’m feeling a…

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Mystic Frequency Collaborative

It’s a beautiful summer day in July of 2021. Two amazing musicians are at my home in training to become “Frequency Immersion Practitioners.” (read about it HERE….) Part of the training involves coordinating percussion instruments with crystal bowls. Our first night, we record a drum circle for the purpose of…

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Is Intent Important?

This post comes after much thought and pondering on the whole idea of intent. A few years ago, I began blogging on how our intent affects us – spirit, soul, and body. What you focus on determines an outcome. More recently, the conversation about intent seems to be a focus,…

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Song of the Year 2021

Join others in releasing a sound that ushers in the year 2021! This Song of the Year can assist with the birth of a new season. We do it through our own creativeness and agreement with Creator’s original intent and design for the universe. Are you ready to release your sound?

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Personal Sound Bath

Any time music is playing, you’re bathing in sound. The difference here is that intent is paired with music and sounds for healing purposes. We use crystal bowls, crystal singing pyramids, and percussion instruments to create a sound bath experience catered specifically to your needs and desires!

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