We move from the information presented in parts 1 through 5 to a demonstration in how we can "create" via our words, intents, and actions. For me, that's often through music so let's begin this cosmic exploration!
As I mentioned in Part 1, I ran across a video from the World Science Festival where they discussed the properties of sound. Since then, I've gone down many rabbit holes looking for more! In that video, the final presenter let everyone hear the sound at the beginning of creation... the note, F#. For a refresher, CLICK HERE to read Part 1 of this series where I provide the video link.
NOTE: Information discussed in this article pulls from the previous five articles. If something doesn't make sense, please see the resource area below for links to the first five articles in this series. There's no recap here so we can dive right into my own creative venture with the Frequencies of Creation!

Figure 1
The notes F and F# are somewhere in the dark purple range before morphing into the red tones (the note, G). Figure 1 provides a visual showing how that transition might look.
In Part 1, I explained that everything in the universe seems to be based on the fundamental frequency and the key of F#. Much like any musical key, you can move (transition) from one key to the next via what musicians call "chord progressions." How that's done is left up to the musical creator - AKA, the composer. At times, a composition is spontaneous (like nearly all my music) or the notes are written down (like Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc). It seems that things within the cosmos function in a similar manner.
In the fall of 2022, I began to form an idea for a new album while putting together the articles for this series. I thought about how I could bring the many aspects of creation into song form. Throughout the Frequencies of Creation series, I gathered many puzzle pieces that led me in a specific direction for a possible album. It seemed that as I typed the articles, I'd get more revelation on a topic. I'd then have to stop and do more research! This all took place from October 2022 through the first week of January, 2023.
Let's explore the process...
- Strong musical energy comes through the use of intervals. It requires two notes to create their own energetic resonance. Yes, single notes also have an energy but the power of two is a union that brings another dimension to musical sound. It's an alignment (entrainment) between two notes. All major, minor, augmented, and diminished chords are built using intervals.
- Anthony Holland of Novabiotronics says that the interval of a tri-tone (Augmented 4th or diminished 5th) seems to have a profound effect on certain nasty diseases. The tri-tone is the 1st and 11th partials of the harmonic series. It's often considered a very dissonant interval and was banned from usage in certain churches several hundred years ago. Keep all this in mind as I further discuss the new album. NOTE: It appears Novabiotronics hasn't been updated in quite some time and that Anthony Holland may have retired from Skidmore College. If the link doesn't work, the site has been taken down.
- We learned in Part 1 that the first intervals to come out of the initial sound (F#) "at the beginning" were the m3 (minor 3rd) and M3 (Major 3rd). Those intervals represent the name of G-d - YHVH (m3) and the name of Yeshua (M3). This information is based on the musical frequencies of the Hebrew letters. A link to that teaching is in the sources below.
- Hebraic texts show there are many names for G-d. After researching the various names, I found that some sects of Judaism consider seven of those names more sacred than others. They are: El, Elohim, Tzevaot, Shaddai, Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, Adonai, and YHVH (the Tetragrammaton). In a sense, the other names evolved out of these seven. I use "G-d" here to honor the Orthodox Jewish community because the name is so sacred, it's only to be spoken by the priest. This community refers to G-d as "Hashem." In the links provided below for name meanings, I use Hebrew sources.
- When comparing the seven sacred Names of G-d, I discovered they all appear to fit within one musical key that's based on each letter's musical "key signature." In a sense, it seems each name has its own characteristic but fits within an overall framework of "similarity." That's represented by a single musical key signature whether it be major, minor, or some other mode.
On a previous album (Creation in the Elements), I partnered with the four main elements (earth, wind, fire, water) and added ether for the 5th element (representing the cosmos or whole universe). This basically includes everything around us - above us, below us, in us, and beside us. Therefore, we've got everything within creation covered in these five "elements." Or, should we say, "elementals?"
F#, the Five Elements, and Names of G-d
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of commentaries on the various names of G-d. Therefore, I tried to find sources that discussed where the names originated. Upon finding standard spellings, I converted the names to "musical motifs." That's a fancy word for creating a mini-melody. Upon completion of that task, I went through the process of assigning the Divine Names to a musical key. Interestingly enough, they all fit within the Key of C Major, c minor, or C Pentatonic. Basically, the fundamental frequency for all the names works best with the note, C. At first, I'm thinking, "how boring is that!? Eventually, I realized that C is a tri-tone away from F#! There seems to be something powerful about the tri-tone. Some of that I've figured out and the rest remains a mystery.
In Figure 2, I've marked on a piano keyboard where F# and C are located. The interesting thing about the tri-tone is that it's exactly in the middle of all the musical intervals. When flipped, it's still a tri-tone. All of the other intervals, when flipped, create a different interval. More on that later. This fact seems to be important but as of yet, I'm not totally sure why. Hmmm....

Figure 2
To answer the question about flipping intervals - all intervals are based on which direction the melody is moving. Melodies move both upward and downward. For example, if note #1 is a C and the next note goes DOWN to the lower F#, it's the interval of a tri-tone. If note #1 is C and the next note goes UP to a higher F#, it's still a tri-tone. As mentioned above, that's not the case with any other intervals. Here are examples of what that looks like...
- Note 1 is C and goes UP to a G, it's an ascending P5 (Perfect 5th). Note 1 is C and goes DOWN to a G, it's a descending P4 (Perfect 4th).
- Note 1 is C and goes UP to an E, it's an ascending M3 (Major 3rd). Note 1 is C and goes DOWN to an E, it's a descending m6 (minor 6th).
- Note 1 is C and goes UP to a D, it's an ascending M2 (Major 2nd). Note 1 is C and goes DOWN to a D, it's a descending m7 (minor 7th).
Although I don't provide all the possible combinations above, it's easy to see that 3rd's flip to 6ths, 2nds flip to 7ths, 4ths flip to 5ths, and tri-tones flip to tri-tones. These "flips" add up to the number 9, a number important in sacred geometry. Major intervals flip to minor intervals and Perfect intervals flip to a different Perfect interval. Musicians say the tri-tone is the "center of intervals" because it flips to itself (diminished 5th to Augmented 4th). In all cases of interval flips, except Perfect intervals because they stay Perfect, there's an opposite - Major to minor and Augmented to diminished. It seems to mirror the energy of opposites - like positive and negative. Together, they bring balance and the necessary energy to create a thing.
NOTE: Perfect intervals are considered pure intervals with the most basic ratios of 1:1 (Perfect Unison), 2:1 (Perfect Octave), 3:2 (Perfect 5th), and 4:3 (Perfect 4th).
Seven Divine Names of G-d
First, we'll explore the meanings of the seven sacred names of G-d. Again, this is based on the non-orthodox point of view. In reading the various articles on these names, I found that the names of G-d simply describe His character or "essence." These are attributes of The One. Just like we each have various character traits, so does G-d. And, we often have silly names people call us, pet names given to us by parents or friends, etc. These name variations help people "remember" us. I believe the names of G-d are similar. Therefore, having them be in the same musical key (C) totally makes sense! And, they are related to F# by the interval of a tri-tone! The tri-tone seems to be a "creative" musical interval that involves tension and release. In a sense, it's like having both a positive and negative electric charge - two opposites - that are needed for a strong creative energy.
In a nutshell, uttering the Divine Names of G-d (in this case, the Key of C) brings them into the creative energy of the fundamental frequency of Creation (F#). It's an energetic recipe for everything we create! That's not to say that it can't be done in other keys but I do find it more than a coincidence that we have a musical expression that combines gematria, musical pitches, and names together for an energetic recipe of creation that perfectly aligns with one another!
Here are the seven Divine Names of G-d...
- El: Singular and plural for "God" and "gods." It's generally used as a prefix as in "God Almighty" (El Shaddai as an example).
- Elohim: Divinity or deity showing the divine nature of G-d.
- Adonai: Usually shown in all caps for LORD and is often associated with LORD G-d.
- YHVH: The Tetragrammaton - meaning the four main letters of G-d's name. It originally meant "passion, love, and desire."
- Shaddai: Usually paired with "El" for "El Shaddai." The general meaning is G-d Almighty. Its literal meaning is "mighty teat" which refers to the young babes in the flocks taking nourishment from the mother.
- Tzevaot: G-d manifest in the world of Oneness. It's often paired with "Havayah." The name Havayah is the inner being of each name of G-d. It is the force that draws the divine light into a specific attribute. Havayah describes the essence of G-d while the other name describes what that essence is.
- Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh: Quoted from the article listed below that G-d said to Moses when asked "What is your name?" The answer went something like this, "I am whatever you want Me to be. I am whatever you need Me to be. You cannot know My Essence but we will have a relationship, and you will tell stories about your encounters with Me. None of them will be totally accurate because I am not a concept. I am a living complex reality that can be experienced, but not defined or limited by language. That is Who I Am and Who I Will Be."
Be sure to investigate the resources below for more information on the seven Divine Names of G-d. Many of the articles dive into the original meanings of the names before they show up in the Torah or Pentateuch. By reading them, you'll gain a better understanding of how each name describes the "essence" of who G-d is.
Combining Sacred Names with the Five Elements
As with all research topics, I simply sit and begin to assemble puzzle pieces. Often, I don't even know what the end result will be. Why? At first, everything seems to "stand alone." It wasn't until the album, Yahweh in the Elements was completed and already out for sale that I noticed the connection with F#! At first, I wondered if something was missing. Remember in Part 1 where I introduced the purpose of patterns? I saw the patterns between the musical keys and names of G-d but I didn't see the connection with F# at first.
This is where we explore the next dimension - one that's beyond each note. I call it the "interval" dimension. Remember that both notes and intervals have specific properties. They each have a place with varying responses. In one sense, we have the "plane" of a musical note. The next plane is another musical note. Together, they create the plane of a musical interval. At times, there may be several notes, creating several musical intervals stacked on top of one another in a chord. There are many dimensions at work all at the same time!
By taking the seven Divine Names of G-d and creating a simple musical motif that's paired with the properties of the five elements, there are many planes and deep dimensions full of meaning. In this case, the main frequency in creation (F#) is hidden within the Divine Names. Interestingly enough, it's in the Ether, which is paired with "Yahweh Tzevaot" and not the other names.
What names go with which elements?
This was a simple process. I looked up the Hebrew names for each element: Wind = Ruach, Fire = Esh, Earth = Adamah, Water = Mayim, and Ether = Eter. Using the musical frequency chart for the Hebrew letters, each element was assigned notes based on the Hebrew letters in each element. The same process was done with the seven Divine Names.
Next, it was a matter of pairing a Divine Name with an element based on what worked best musically and would be pleasing to the ears. A melody was created and recorded in various dimensions as well.
Because each element and Divine Name includes many "dimensions," there had to be a method of expressing that musically. I recorded each part and then combined them together intuitively into a cohesive musical and cosmic exploration. I point out this process for you as an example of how we "create a reality" that we can live with.
This is how it was done...
- The main melody was recorded on the clarinet as a "clarion call," which is part of the meaning for the word, "clarinet."
- The melody for each Divine Name is repeated several times throughout a song on both the clarinet, keyboard parts, and vocal parts.
- The vocal melody for each Divine Name was sung and accompanied by the same melody in octaves on my baby grand piano. The Perfect Octave represents perfect union and cooperation.
- A separate keyboard part was added using the same keyboard patches from the Creation in the Elements album. I have a Roland RD 2000 keyboard.
- All songs use the fundamental frequency of C to represent the "essence" of the combined Divine Names. There's a C drone throughout all the songs played on a crystal singing bowl.
- Only the notes from each Divine Name are in its song no matter what part (clarinet, keyboard, or vocals).
- Percussion instruments and other sounds were added for another dimension of the various properties within the Divine Names and/or elements.
- The main intervals in ALL seven Divine names are the minor 3rd and Major 3rd. Remember, this is based on the Hebrew spelling of both Divine Names and elements. These two intervals represent YHVH (the Tetragrammaton) and Yeshua that came out of the initial sound "in the beginning." The tri-tone joins the party for the word, "Tzevaot" - which includes the notes, F# and C. This is the final connection with the Divine Names and elements to "in the beginning."
Once we begin to understand our creative part in life, we can use that information for our own unique creative purposes. The album, Yahweh in the Elements is a perfect example of taking something from revelation to reality. Even though I've had most of the information for the Frequencies of Creation series for years, it wasn't until I began to put it all together that a picture of creation itself began to emerge. That's when I started to explore a musical representation of what that might sound like.
Because I'm aware of how musical intervals paired with thoughts, intent, and actions affect people, it's a journey in learning how to incorporate everything I've discovered (through divine revelation and/or research) to provide a pathway for greater wholeness. We were designed to function as a complete being from the beginning of time!
The whole point in partnering with the seven Divine Names of G-d is to help us understand and function from our original identity "in the beginning." What's going on in society today is taking our individual identities away. We lose who we were created to be because someone else tells us who we are and... we believe it because we lack the self-esteem to do otherwise. It's time to come back to our original place of "being." We all carry the "essence" of the seven Divine Names because of our Divine Creator. Children carry the DNA of their parents. Therefore, we carry the DNA record of our Creator.
By partnering with the Frequencies of Creation, it's an opportunity to gain revelation into our specific and unique personal design. However, we can't do that living in fear, holding grudges, lacking forgiveness for one another, being anxious, desiring to hold power over others, considering others as less important than ourselves, considering a person (or type of person) more valuable than another, doubting our ability to do something, etc. Since we're made in the image of our Divine Creator, the entire human race holds equal value where we each have a destiny to fulfill. No one person is greater or less than another. I think you get the picture...
Our inherent identity is founded upon perfect and unconditional love. From this position, we ARE!
Living in fear can cause us to conform to society. When we're anxious or frustrated, lack self-worth, etc., it's difficult to live in the completeness of who we were created to be. Wholeness includes our three-part being - spirit, soul, and body. When our emotional state doesn't align with love, joy, peace, and all the other "stronger" frequencies, it's too easy to get sucked into the framework of a society that seeks after itself.
As we each bring our creative piece to the table, we can share a full "meal" of wholeness that's meant to align us with where we stood at the beginning of time.
May you take what I've shared by exploring and cementing your own creative piece that ultimately brings a fullness and completeness into your personal destiny!
Del Hungerford, January 2023
NOTE: None of the information in this series or any other article on this site may be used without permission! You may share the articles but if you wish to quote my work in your own writing, it is "good form" to cite any materials that aren't your own.