In this post, you're introduced to the musical frequencies of creation. Those same frequencies are part of our DNA. That may sound like a far-fetched thing to determine. However, several years of research has led me down many rabbit holes in search of various pieces of information that connects in the strangest of ways. Hmmm.... What are the odds of that?
If you've followed my writings long enough, you'll understand by now that when I find patterns, it's time to pay attention. Feel free to fact check my research, especially if you're good at math, physics, or any of the sciences. My specialty is music so that's the perspective I come from. If you find discrepancies, use the contact form to direct me to updated information.

One of the first videos I ran across, quite by accident, was that of the World Science Festival where a group of scientists discussed how sound works. The final speaker (Mark Whittle) presents data showing the frequency waves are still in the cosmos from the beginning of time. In the video, he doesn't mention the note name. Because I'm a musician, I figured it out.
As a side note... I provide a LOT more information about this topic in the Frequency Basics class on the Kingdom Tribes forum. In the articles on Healing Frequencies Music, you'll receive key points only. For more in-depth information, feel free to register for the course. Eventually the course will move over to this site. When? That's yet to be determined.
For this series, I'll present information in the manner that I discovered it. Therefore, we start with the video mentioned above where Mark Whittle introduces the listeners to the sound at the beginning of time...
Whittle says on the Science of Sound video... at the beginning, there was a sound. That sound reverberated from a starting point and then spread throughout the universe. The frequency waves are still in the cosmos and because of that, they're measurable. There's a continual expansion of the universe with this "tone" (adjusted by 50 octaves so we can hear it on the video). That tone is the fundamental frequency of creation.
At first, I didn't pay much attention to anything else other than figuring out the note. Whittle mentions the first harmonic coming from the sound was the minor 3rd that then morphs into the Major 3rd. Those harmonics don't follow the natural laws of harmonics! It had me confused for quite some time until I discovered the musical frequencies/key signatures of the Hebrew letters. Then, more puzzle pieces began to come together. In a next article, I'll explain that connection.
According to natural harmonics, the fundamental frequency (partial #1) leads to the next octave (Partial #2). That then leads to the Perfect 5th (Partial #3), then the Perfect 4th (Partial #4), then the Major 3rd (Partial #5), and THEN - the minor 3rd (Partial #6). For those who don't understand harmonics, they continue into infinity. The lower harmonics are the most "present" sounds in all musical tones.
Let's see how this looks with C as the fundamental frequency...
- Harmonic #1: C, fundamental frequency or main note - this is the note you'll hear. Out of this note, the other harmonics sound "sympathetically" in various strengths depending on the voice/instrument. The upper harmonics provide an individual and spicy "flavor" for each voice/instrument.
- Harmonic #2: C, an octave higher than the lower C of Partial #1
- Harmonic #3: G, a Perfect 5th higher than Harmonic #2
- Harmonic #4: C, a Perfect 4th higher than Harmonic #3 and two octaves higher than harmonic #1
- Harmonic #5: E, a Major 3rd higher than Harmonic #4
- Harmonic #6: G, a minor 3rd higher than Harmonic #5
- Etc... on up the scale where the harmonics get closer and closer together into the microtone range.
NOTE: In music theory, minor intervals are lower case, Major and Perfect intervals are upper case (m3, M3, P5, P4, etc.).
I'll introduce the harmonic series for the note at the beginning of time in the next article, showing how the m3 and M3 from the initial creation sound fit into that formula. In this article, it's important to understand how natural harmonics normally work. Then, we'll see how it all connects to the Hebrew letters. Hint! It's not a white key note on the piano and it's closely related to the purplish-red colors.
The point to understand here is that out of a sound became... What did it become? It became everything else in the universe. The harmonics present in that sound are key to understanding why the specific harmonics (minor 3rd and Major 3rd) were the first two harmonics that came from the original sound. We'll get to that in the Musical frequencies of the Hebrew letters.

Key Points as We Move Forward...
As we start this series of articles, there are many factors involved in my presentation. Anything that comes my way, I look over. It's really important NOT to put ourselves in a box where we're unwilling to consider information that contradicts what we THINK we know. I'll tell on myself here... Because I had an expectation concerning the musical frequencies of the Hebrew letters, I had the answer sitting in front of me for two years before it finally sunk in! The moment we do something silly like that, we're a cooked goose! Keep this in mind as you do your own research.
The key parameters I've set for my research are as follows:
- Look for patterns! When you find one, pay attention!
- How do patterns connect with other puzzle pieces? For example - shapes and musical frequencies, musical frequencies and sacred numbers, gematria (numerology) and other numbers that may include but aren't limited to musical frequencies, frequencies within the cosmos, frequencies within the earth, the golden ratio and other mathematical equations, measurements within ancient sacred sites, measurements OF sacred sites, resonant frequencies of everything within and around the earth/cosmos, and much more.
- How do musical intervals affect the spirit, soul, and body? Yes, there is a science for this! Musical intervals also play a huge role in moving energy.
- Any number can be considered a musical frequency! But, it doesn't always work so be careful! If a pattern doesn't come out of it, set it aside for consideration at a later time.
- When looking at musical frequency charts, remember our modern standard (equal temperament) isn't natural. We've tweaked it to work in all 12 major/minor keys/modes. However, not even natural tunings work all the time either. Everything depends on note placement within a scale, interval, or chord. This leads to point #6.
- Good singers naturally adjust pitches to fit within chords but not all instruments are able to do this. Frequencies change depending on where a note sits within an interval or chord. Therefore, consider frequency charts as a starting point until the position of a specific note within a chord (or interval) is determined. Let's examine how this works... Major 3rds (Example: C - E) are always sharp so the upper note (E) must be "tempered" down to bring it in tune with the lower note (C). If the upper note (E) stays the same but is transformed into a P5 by moving the lower note, C (as in the example) down to an A... A then becomes the new lower note and E stays put as the higher note. The higher note (E) needs to be brought back up in pitch to make the P5 (between A - E) in tune. Clear as mud!?
- If an author, blogger, music enthusiast, musician, etc. DOES NOT read music, lightly hold technical musical information they present until it can be proven/disproven. How do you know their skill level? If the bio doesn't indicate at least a bachelor's degree in music, an author probably lacks an in-depth understanding of music theory. Let me provide some topics as examples where information is frequently fuzzy... the historical and musical accuracy of the ancient solfeggio frequencies, the A=432 vs A=440 concert pitch controversy, and Hitler had something to do with changing our concert pitch to A=440. Every article I've read or video I've watched on these topic spins has incorrect technical information, with the exception of one person - Roel Hollander. I include well-meaning musicians in this as well, some even calling themselves musicologists. A musicologist is someone with a doctoral degree in music history. Musicologists work in museums with large musical instrument collections or are professors in universities. Because of their research loads, they generally migrate from performer to researcher during their doctoral studies.
- Last but not least, I never want to assume anything. When something presented to me doesn't make sense, it's not necessarily incorrect. That only means I don't have the answer or understanding... yet. However, "unknown" doesn't include information that proves to be inaccurate (as in point #7). I put "supernatural/spiritual revelation" into point #8 as well. For me, most revelation sits on a shelf until further understanding comes my way.
NOTE: I hold this list close to my heart because if I don't keep it before me, it's too easy to get back into a mentality where I miss the obvious! This list is my "barometer checker" for everything you'll read on this website. It's also necessary to understand these points as we move forward with the rest of this series. When you ask, "how did she come up with that!?," come back to these 8 points for the answer.
Now that we've covered the basics, I don't expect my list to make sense to everyone. The key point here is that if we don't set parameters, we're going to miss things. These are MY parameters that I've set for myself. After hearing Mark Whittle speak, I put his information on a shelf as a single puzzle piece. At the time, it didn't mean much to me. It was cool information but as more continued to come my way, the puzzle pieces began to form a picture. That picture is based off what Whittle introduces in the video; the birthing point of everything in creation.
The corresponding video to this article is on YouTube!
The sound at the beginning of creation is scientifically determined as described by Mark Whittle. I have no reason to doubt him, especially since he's a highly qualified scientist. His research makes sense and fits within everything else I'm finding that connects to the beginning of time. His work appears solid with plenty of evidence demonstrating what he presents.
Because Whittle is not a musician, the specific frequency doesn't matter to him. It's the fact that the frequency waves are still in the cosmos today that was exciting for him. Because that evidence exists, we know the frequency that began our universe. Now, I take it to the next level where we can musically explain how everything in the universe is connected. Basically, the universe can be explained through music theory. Why? Because music is connected to math, ratios, numbers, measurements, and all forms of frequency.
In the next article, I'll introduce more of the puzzle pieces related to this very special note!
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Del Hungerford, October 2022
NOTE: None of the information in this series or any other article on this site may be used without permission! You may share the articles but if you wish to quote my work in your own writing, it is "good form" to cite any materials that aren't your own.
Sources and Additional Articles in this Series
- Good Vibrations: Science of Sound at the World Science Festival in 2014 (Clip starts at 1 hour and 45 minutes into the video)
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 2
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 3
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 4
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 5
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 6
- Frequencies of Creation: Part 7