It’s All About Frequency – Part 1

Chladni plate and crop circle

Everything has a resonant frequency, including what we say and do. In fact, some countries have used frequency as “sonic warfare” as a weapon of war. In part 1 of this series, you’ll learn about how thoughts, words, and intents can frame our world along with seeing how frequency can form beautiful shapes through Cymatics.

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Royal Raymond Rife


Royal Raymond Rife – a name most people who practice natural medicine recognize. He created a machine in the 1930’s that was actually documented by the University of Southern California as curing cancer. How did he do it? By the use of radio frequencies. So the question to ask now is “why has this technology been lost?”

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Royal Rife


Who is Royal Rife? Back in the 1930’s, a man named Royal Rife (an inventor) invented a machine that aimed frequencies at cancer cells. Somehow, he figured out that each type of cancer has a different frequency. And, by subjecting the cancer cells to a frequency that was harmful to them, they…

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